A Poem for Geoffrey - by Jenny Davey

Created by Claire 2 years ago

Poem for Geoffrey

Today you say goodbye to your dear Dad,
Grandad too, beloved of so many.
When it is done, a life celebrated,
Favourite music played, good tears shed, what then?

Folk say that lost loved ones send heartfelt signs
To us here, from the other distant side:
A soft white feather floating down nearby,
Dragonfly flashing past, with clear intent,
Robin comes close when most we need a sign,
Rainbow with its brilliant arc overhead.

Why choose but one to be from they we mourn?
Let them each and every one be signals,
Joyful signals, of a life filled with love:
White feather: most gentle touch when first
He held you in his arms, close to his heart.
Dragonfly: how brief is our time, fleeting.
Robin: the bright bright twinkle in the eye
He always had, full of mischief, humour,
Quick-witted, never short a joke, or ten!

The message clear to those he leaves behind:
Reach out with love, cherish each dear moment,
Ever hopeful be, ever hopeful be.

By Jenny Davey
October 2021